“That they may all be one” (Jn. 17:21)
The Focolare Movement, with it’s charism of unity,and with the collaboration of The Uganda Joint Christian Council, memorably commemorated the week of ‘Prayer for Christian Unity‘ and towards Peace, on Sunday the 21 st of January 2024.
This event brought Christians from all religious denominations;It was graced by representatives from The Uganda Joint Christian Council,
representatives from Makerere University. Business School,religious congregations,movements and communities; Namely, the rector
of the Church of Uganda Martys’ Seminary Fr Esau Bbosa,the Provincial Superior of the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus, Fr Anthony
Kimkowa Kibira,Msgr John Wynand Katende, The UJCC Program’s Officer Mr Kisembo Stephen and Program’s Coordinator Ms Lois Twikirize .
The ceremony was divided into three sessions;Praise and worship, confession and intercession.Praise and Worship was led by the Orthodox
Church representative to the UJCC Fr.Constantine Mbonabingi while the second part ‘Confession’,was taken by the Anglican representative RevBbosa Esau and Rev. Erusu, while the third part ,that of Intercession ,was taken by the Deputy Executive Secretary of Interreligious Dialogue & Ecumenism Fr Vincent Karatunga and with the secretary of Finance and Administration from the Roman Catholic Church Fr Daniel Musitwa .
The ceremony was interfused with songs and hymns by the St Egidio community,the Magnificent Choir from Ntinda Parish, the Anglican seminarians and staff & also by the members of the Focolare Movement.

The Coordinator of the Religious Men and Women in the archdiocese of Kampala, Fr Richard Nyombi made a significant reflection and message for the day;He pointed at the importance of the call to Ecumenism which is knitted in the noble act by the Uganda Martyrs who continue to offer hope to our christian commitment.
He called upon all to look at St John Mary Muzeeyi,one of the Uganda Martys’,as the patron for Christian unity. He concluded that our role is to make the dreams of our forefathers, the martyrs,a reality.He added that the true definition of Ecumenism is described in the words, “(_ut Unum Sint,20- 1995 Encyclical by Saint Pope John Paul 11. Fr George Kwame kouwouno, the secretary to the Apostolic Nuncio to Uganda, Archbishop Luigi Bianco to Uganda, spoke on behalf of the Archbishop making a strong appeal to the congregation to work for peace,
human rights and climate awareness. The session ended with the lighting of the candle, and with many blessings from the representatives of the Religious leaders towards ‘THAT ALL MAYBE ONE’ Jn.17:21