
Embrace progress with a positive mindset

As we celebrate the International Women’s Day, thoughts about the liberation movement and empowerment will be sending fresh waves into our minds. Our lead story questions if this is a myth or a reality. A lot of debates and writings center on this topic. The challenge is what role do we play in this event of change? Are we key players, centre or rear? Positive plans and their kickoffs ought to be given away forward by the women as well as their well-wishing male counterparts. Gone are the days of the blame games, songs of lamentation, marginalization and all the negative thoughts, words and deeds.Many women activists and the emancipated women with a positive mindset and vision have shown the way to go.

The positive mindset and direction has the power to convert the myth into reality thus, yielding positive results of progressive achievement! This does not mean that all the negative thoughts, words and challenges have ended. It is all about tuning the right mindset, redirecting our interior energies to realize good end results. “It is not about the dog in the fight but the fight in the dog,” as Professor Kasenene Peter rightly says. It is the interior energy that ought to drive us to take the right direction. Are you able to realize the amount of energy (fight) in you or you are just lost in others’ energy?“Past reference reserve” can best guide us to the shore. This gives an opportunity to constantly refer to the past achievements and courageous victories we made. It also acts as a springboard and momentum to go forward. We can also keep referring to ladies and gentlemen who are our role models because they have made it in academic, social, political or spiritual amphitheater. The positive mindset would guide us to achieve what God our Creator and Jesus our Redeemer designated for us!For the consecrated women and men, it is a year of reflection. With the light of the Holy Spirit, we can make a deep search and come up with helpful resolutions and right tools that can be used to build the Kingdom of God.

The Blessed Mother of God who presented her son in the temple for our sake is also at our disposal. In whatever we do, let everyone strive to leave good footprints for the posterity. In making progress and achievements, we should have others in mind. The ailing society ought to be our priority in the scale of preference.The challenge of social evils that confront us should also be addressed with positive mindset. Among others we have; different forms of modern slavery, labour exploitation, taking advantage of the needy, organized crime, widespread poverty due to greed and monopoly by a few, racial, tribal, social and religious discrimination, human trafficking organ removal and sales.

These challenges ought to be addressed with faith in Jesus Christ the Pascal Lamb who keeps us free from fear and anxiety.The glorious entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is a typical sign of victory and triumph over evil. He humbly rode on an ass or donkey but made mighty achievements. How much more can we achieve with the resources and advanced technologies at hand? Young and old people were provoked to praise God in the humble but powerful presence of Jesus: “Hosanna, Hosanna…Who is this?” Can our own presence speak and provoke a joyful song? Mt. 21: 12 tells us that after His triumphant entry, He cast out all who turned His Father’s house into a market place.In this case, are we able to challenge the awkward situations by working towards development of humanity? Similarly we are called to go into ourselves and remove the chaotic market place in our own lives before we can approach others.

Having done that, we can perfectly celebrate Palm Sunday and Easter having enjoyed Women’s’ Day.People like Sr. Fernanda spent their time, human and material resources to establish the cause of Justice and Peace. This is worth noting because as much as we are overwhelmed by social evils, like Jesus, we need to jump up and join the fight; otherwise we shall be doing a lot of talking the talk and not walking the walk!As we approach the greatest moment that broke the history of humanity, that is Pre-Easter Sunday and post Easter episodes, a well-disposed soul can reap a lot of benefits with lasting fruits. And this is what God our creator calls us to observe; let us take this opportunity to tape the ocean of graces of this great moment.

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